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Deliverable 6 - Analysis with Correlation and Regression item options
Assignment Content

Determine the linear correlation and regression equation between two variables to make predictions for the dependent variable.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, in the next 30 years. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF).

As a junior analyst at the USGS, you are tasked to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and depths from the earthquakes. Your deliverables will be a PowerPoint presentation you will create summarizing your findings and an excel document to show your work.

Concepts Being Studied
Correlation and regression
Creating scatterplots
Constructing and interpreting a Hypothesis Test for Correlation using r as the test statistic

You are given a spreadsheet that contains the following information:

Magnitude measured on the Richter scale
Depth in km

Deliverable 6 - Analysis with Correlation and Regression.xlsx

Using the spreadsheet, you will answer the problems below in a PowerPoint presentation.

What to Submit
The PowerPoint Assignment presentation should answer and explain the following questions based on the spreadsheet provided above.

Slide 1: Title slide

Slide 2: Introduce your scenario and data set including the variables provided.

Slide 3: Construct a scatterplot of the two variables provided in the spreadsheet. Include a description of what you see in the scatterplot.

Slide 4: Find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r and the critical value of r using α = 0.05. Include an explanation on how you found those values.

Slide 5: Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and the depths from the earthquakes. Explain.

Slide 6: Find the regression equation. Let the predictor (x) variable be the magnitude. Identify the slope and the y-intercept within your regression equation.

Slide 7: Is the equation a good model? Explain. What would be the best predicted depth of an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.0? Include the correct units.

Slide 8: Conclude by recapping your ideas by summarizing the information presented in context of the scenario.

Along with your PowerPoint presentation, you should include your Excel document which shows all calculations.
This assignment falls under the inferential section of your online statistics class. My Course Tutor experts are competent at handling such assignments. The firs step in handling a statistics assignment is to understand the nature of the data, and to review the possible category of data analysis methods within which hypothesis testing falls. The excel file for this assignment has been attached.

Deliverable 6 - Analysis with Correlation and Regression.xlsx

Deliverable 5 - Hypothesis Tests for Two Samples item options
Assignment Content

Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from two populations.

Dealing with Two Populations
Inferential statistics involves forming conclusions about a population parameter. We do so by constructing confidence intervals and testing claims about a population mean and other statistics. Typically, these methods deal with a sample from one population. We can extend the methods to situations involving two populations (and there are many such applications). This deliverable looks at two scenarios.

Concept being Studied
Your focus is on hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for two populations using two samples, some of which are independent and some of which are dependent. These concepts are an extension of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals which use statistics from one sample to make conclusions about population parameters.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

What to Submit
Your research and analysis should be presented on the spreadsheet provided.

Deliverable 5 - Hypothesis Tests for Two Samples.xlsx

In order to successfully complete this problem, one would need to use the seven hypothesis testing steps included in our other statistics-related assignment. The relevant files associated with this assignment have been attached to this post. A guide for completing this assignment have been prepared by our statistics assignment experts.

Hypothesis test for two samples example.docx

Deliverable 4 - Hypothesis Test
Assignment Content

Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from one population.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

Scenario (information repeated for deliverable 01, 03, and 04)

A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota that range from $30,000 to $200,000 per year. As a Business Analyst, your boss asks you to research and analyze the salary distributions. You are given a spreadsheet that contains the following information:

A listing of the jobs by title
The salary (in dollars) for each job

Deliverable 4 - Hypothesis Tests.xlsx
In prior engagements, you have already explained to your client about the basic statistics and discussed the importance of constructing confidence intervals for the population mean. Your client says that he remembers a little bit about hypothesis testing, but he is a little fuzzy. He asks you to give him the full explanation of all steps in hypothesis testing and wants your conclusion about two claims concerning the average salary for all jobs in the state of Minnesota.

Background information on the Data
The data set in the spreadsheet consists of 364 records that you will be analyzing from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data set contains a listing of several jobs titles with yearly salaries ranging from approximately $30,000 to $200,000 for the state of Minnesota.

What to Submit
Your boss wants you to submit the spreadsheet with the completed calculations, answers, and analysis.

Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure that requires one to test a claim or claims about a population systematically. My Course Tutor experts have mastered the art of conducting hypothesis testing using the seven hypothesis testing steps. We have attached the hypothesis testing steps below for you to review. The excel file containing the instructions required for you to complete this assignment successfully has also been attached. Note that My Course Tutor offers help in Excel assignments under the SPSS and data analysis services category. You can email or WhatsApp us in case you need help with this assignment.

Hypothesis testing steps explained.docx
statistics hypothesis testing assignment help.xlsx

Deliverable 3 - Confidence Intervals
Assignment Content

Develop a confidence interval for a population parameter.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

Scenario (information repeated for deliverable 01, 03, and 04)

A major client of your company is interested in the salary distributions of jobs in the state of Minnesota that range from $30,000 to $200,000 per year. As a Business Analyst, your boss asks you to research and analyze the salary distributions. You are given a spreadsheet that contains the following information:

A listing of the jobs by title
The salary (in dollars) for each job

Deliverable 3 - Confidence Intervals.xlsx

You have previously explained some of the basic statistics to your client already, and he really liked your work. Now he wants you to analyze the confidence intervals.

Background information on the Data
The data set in the spreadsheet consists of 364 records that you will be analyzing from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data set contains a listing of several jobs titles with yearly salaries ranging from approximately $30,000 to $200,000 for the state of Minnesota.

What to Submit
Your boss wants you to submit the spreadsheet with the completed calculations, answers, and analysis.
Note that the excel file attached contains the necessary steps for completing the assignment. Your success in this assignment depends on how you address the assignment's requirements, and whether you show the steps in the calculations. My Course Tutor Experts are available to help you with the assignment under the statistics assignment help category. We ensure that you get the highest grade in all statistics assignments we help you with.

Deliverable 3 - Confidence Intervals.xlsx

Assignment Content

Apply the normal distribution, standard normal distribution, and central limit theorem.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

Frank has only had a brief introduction to statistics when he was in high school 12 years ago, and that did not cover inferential statistics. He is not confident in his ability to answer some of the problems posed in the course.

As Frank's tutor, you need to provide Frank with guidance and instruction on a spreadsheet he has partially filled out. Your job is to help him understand and comprehend the material. You should not simply be providing him with an answer as this will not help when it comes time to take the test. Instead, you will be providing a step-by-step breakdown of the problems including an explanation on why you did each step and using proper terminology.

What to Submit
To complete this assignment, you must first download the spreadsheet, and then complete it by including the following items on the spreadsheet:

Deliverable 2 - Tutoring on the Normal Distribution.xlsx

Incorrect Answers - Correct any wrong answers. You must also explain the error performed in the problem in your own words.
Partially Finished Work - Complete any partially completed work. Make sure to provide step-by-step instructions including explanations.
Blank Questions - Show how to complete any blank questions by providing step-by-step instructions including explanations.
Your step-by-step breakdown of the problems, including explanations and calculations performed, should be present within the Excel spreadsheet provided.

My Course Tutor experts are good at providing academic assistance services to students at all academic levels. The contents included in the attached excel file have been listed below. You can download the excel file, and practice the calculations, or send as an email, or contact us via WhatsApp so we can provide you with a step to step solutions to your problem.

Instructions: The following questions on the next six tabs are shown to you by a student who is asking for help. Your job is to help the student walk through the problems by showing the student how to solve each problem in detail. You are expected to explain all of the steps in your own words.

This problem is an incorrect. Your job is to find the errors, correct the errors, and explain what they did wrong.
This problem is partially finished. You must complete the problem by showing all steps and explain your corrections.

This problem is blank. You must start from scratch and explain how you will approach the problem, how you solve it, and explain why you took each step.

Assume that a randomly selected subject is given a bone density test. Those tests follow a standard normal distribution. Find the probability that the bone density score for this subject is between -0.87 and 1.84.
Show your calculations using Excel functions in the area to the right of this text box and answer the problem with explanations below.

The U.S. Airforce requires that pilots have a height between 64 in. and 72 in. If women’s heights are normally distributed with a mean of 64.1 in. and a standard deviation of 2.31 in, find the percentage of women that meet the height requirement.

Show your calculations using Excel functions in the area to the right of this text box and answer the problem with explanations below.

Women’s pulse rates are normally distributed with a mean of 69.9 beats per minute and a standard deviation of 11.7 beats per minute. What is the z-score for a woman having a pulse rate of 63 beats per minute?
Student’s incorrect answer:

Let 𝒛 =(𝒙−𝝁)/𝝈
𝒛 =((𝟔𝟗.𝟗 − 𝟔𝟑))/(𝟏𝟏.𝟕)
𝒛 = 𝟎.𝟓𝟗

Identify where the student went wrong when solving the problem above. Show how to correctly calculate the answer using Excel in the area to the right of this text box. Finish the problem by stating how to correctly set up the problem and solve it below.

What is the cumulative area from the left under the curve for a z-score of -0.723? What is the area on the right of that z-score? Hint: You will have two answers (one for the left and one for the right).

Student’s partially finished answer:

The first part is to find the cumulative area from the left under the curve for a z-score of -0.723. This means that I need to find the probability that a z-score is less than -0.723.

Show your calculations using Excel functions in the area to the right of this text box and finish answering the problem with explanations below.

If the area under the standard normal distribution curve is 0.2343 from the right, what is the corresponding z-score?
Student’s incorrect answer:

We plug in “=NORM.S.INV(0.2343)” into Excel and get a z-score of -0.724.

Identify where the student went wrong when solving the problem above. Show how to correctly calculate the answer using Excel in the area to the right of this text box. Finish the problem by stating how to correctly set up the problem and solve it below.

A research shows that the Richter scale magnitudes of earthquakes are normally distributed with a mean of 1.533 and a standard deviation of 0.75. Earthquakes with magnitudes less than 2.00 are considered "microearthquakes" that humans do not feel. What percentage of earthquakes fall into this category?
Student’s partially finished answer:

We need to find the probability that earthquakes fall into the microearthquake category. The first step is to find the probability that the Richter scale is less than 2.00.

Show your calculations using Excel functions in the area to the right of this text box and finish answering the problem with explanations below.

Deliverable 2 - Tutoring on the Normal Distribution.xlsx