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Business Strategy – Spring 2024
Syntheses 2 Guidelines
For this syntheses, you will be performing an in-depth analysis of a company of your choosing (Chosen from Syntheses 1). You can choose any company as long as there is enough information including managerial decisions, financial status, human resources practices, resources, and strategies. Syntheses should cover terms from Chapters 4-8. The report must be double space, Times New Roman 12 font. Graphs and figures can be included as long as they cover less than 2 pages. Cover, Abstract and work cited page in APA will not be counted toward the minimum number of words. Cite any support that you use for the research. Sources need to be from legit sources: academic journals, company website, legit news sources, etc. The paper should be a minimum of 1000 words. Research due date will be March 24th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
These are some of the issues and questions that need to be responded in the report:
• What are some HR strategies the company implement.
• What is the market segmentation
• Has the company participated in an acquisition or merger.
• Has the company implemented strategies to deter entry.
• Any strategies to manage rivalry.
• Has the company implemented a strategy to deal with a decline.
• Any technology implemented by the companies.
• What is the national competitive advantage of the company.
• Is the company a multinational company? In which countries do they operate.
• Have they modified its strategies in other countries?
• What is the global strategy implemented.
• Do they offer product bundling.
• Does the company have strategic alliances.
• Does the company implement diversification.
• If the company implements diversification, is it related or unrelated.

Housing supply and demand is an example of the effects supply and demand can have on price elasticity. The most recent housing boom from 2000-2005 was not only a boom in housing prices, but also in-house construction.

Based on your readings, there are a number of factors that determine housing prices. Some are based on economic theories and some are based on more intangible factors. Describe the key economic factors which effect housing prices and how they are determined (HomeGuru).

You must first post your answer(s) before you can see the other students’ posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the Module.

Post a minimum 250-word response to the following questions. Be sure to use in-text citations and a reference list to support your response.

Use the organization you have selected for the Final Project.

How would you describe its structure? Select two other types of structures and assess whether modification of the selected organization’s structure should be considered. Justify the reasons for your conclusion.

When you reply to your classmates' posts, be sure to focus on the arguments that are given. Do you agree or disagree, and why? Are there good reasons? Could the examples be clearer? Can you add your own example? Do you have a counter example?

You must first post your answer(s) before you can see the other students’ posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the module.

Statistics Case Study Assignment

Ann Perkins, a realtor in Brownsburg, Indiana, would like to use estimates from a multiple
regression model to help prospective sellers determine a reasonable asking price for their homes.
She believes that the following four factors influence the asking price (Price) of a house:
1) The square footage of the house (SQFT)
2) The number of bedrooms (Bed)
3) The number of bathrooms (Bath)
4) The lot size (LTSZ) in acres
She randomly collects online listings for 50 single-family homes. The data file is in the
Blackboard “Case Study Indiana Real Estate Data File Excel” within the Case Study folder.
Requirements and associated point values:
Part 1 – Provide summary statistics (with Excel Data Analysis) by calculating the mean and
standard deviation on the asking price, square footage, the number of bedrooms, the number
of bathrooms, and the lot size. Explain each factor’s mean and standard deviation. What does
each of these summary statistics tell us.
A total of ten calculations 4 points each for a total of 40 points.
Part 2 – Estimate and interpret a multiple regression model where the asking price is the
response variable and the other four factors are the explanatory variables.
The end result should be a Excel Regression Output

Also provide the estimate model equation: Price =
A total of 40 points will be assigned to Part 2.
Part 3 – Interpret the resulting coefficient of determination.
A total of 20 points will be assigned to Part 3.
Part 4 – Write your findings in thorough, concise, and well-written report form. For an example
review and refer to other reports throughout your textbook. There is at least one at the end of
each chapter. Please note you are expected to use proper statistical terminology when
appropriate but remember you are writing for a group who may not be as knowledgeable about
statistics as you are. You must be sure they can understand your findings while also writing a
professional report.
A total of 50 points will be assigned to Part 4.
Part 5 – Prepare your report in a PowerPoint Presentation and record your presentation within
Relay according to the instructions provided in the Blackboard “PowerPoint Presentation Case
Study Information” located within the Case Study folder.
A total of 50 points will be assigned to Part 5.
The submission link to attach your Case Study Report, PowerPoint Presentation and Excel Data
Output Worksheet is in the same Case Study folder. You will record your PowerPoint
Presentation under “Student Recordings” within Knowmia (formerly Relay). Refer to the course
schedule for the Case Study due date. The case study is valued at a total of 200 points.

Module 4 Discussion

Complete Task 2 on page 248. Post a screenshot of your Wilcoxon output and explain the findings. Discuss why you think the Wilcoxon is most appropriate for this data and if you have questions about the analysis. Respond to others about their findings and help if others need help explaining the results.
Students will post twice each week during each of the modules with an initial post on WEDNESDAY

Task 2: Both Ozzy Osbourne and Judas priest have been accused of putting backward masked messages on their albums that sublimially influence poor unsuspecting teenagers into doing things like blowing their heads off with shotguns. A psychologist was interested in whether backward masked messages could have an effect. He created a version of Britney Spears's Baby one more time' that contained the masked message 'deliver your sould to the dark lord' repeated in the chorus. He took this version, and the original, and played one version (randomly) to a group of 32 people, Six months later he played them whatever version they hadn't heard the time before. So each person heard both the original and the version with the masked message, but at different points in time. The psychologist measured the number of goats that were sacrificed in the week after listening to each vversion. Test the hypothesis that the backward message would lead to more goats being sacrificed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test (DarkLord.sav)