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Graded Discussion: Misleading Graphs
A minimum of one post is required.
You must give a detailed solution to each question in your post to get full credit.
It is not enough to just give the final answer.
You must show steps or explain your reasoning.
If it is easier, you can write your solution out on paper, take a picture, and upload it to the discussion as a pdf file. The pdf file type is the only file type that will be accepted.
You will be able to see other students' posts once you post your own solution.
Review their responses to determine if they agree with your own.

You are not required to make a second post, but you can reply to your own post with corrections.   Don't worry!  You will not lose points for an incorrect answer in your first post as long as you make a reasonable effort on the first post and post a reply with the correct answer in your second post.  
Complete required posts by the posted deadline.

Part 1: Prepare

Read this article about the way graphs can be misleading. https://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-and-statistics/descriptive-statistics/misleading-graphs/
part 2 Instructions.JPG
part 2 misleading graphs.JPG

Source of data: https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2020/data-on-display/education-pays.htm

[2 pts] What is the ratio of the median weekly earnings of the holder of a high school diploma only to the median weekly earnings of the holder of a bachelor's degree?
[2 pts] What is the ratio of the area of the red rectangle to the area of the blue rectangle in graph A? (The scale on the horizontal axis is 1 unit per grid mark.)
[2 pts] What is the ratio of the area of the red square to the area of the blue square in graph B? (The scale on the horizontal axis is 1 unit per grid mark.)
[2 pts] What is the ratio of the volume of the red cube to the volume of the blue cube in graph C? (The scale on the horizontal axis is 1 unit per grid mark and the bases of the prisms are squares.)
[2 pts] Explain which graph is the most misleading and give a mathematical justification for your answer.

Note that My Course Tutor offers several academic writing help services, including helping with weekly discussion assignments. Let us know if you need help with this assignment.

Unit 4 DB: Client Questions
Assume you are employed by the Midtown rehabilitation Center, the Agency discusses in the textbook, as an intake interviewer. How do you answer the following questions that your client has during the initial meeting? For this forum, your initial response can be formatted in bullet points to address each question. Be sure to also provide justification for your response.

  • How often will I come to see you?
  • Can I reach you after the center closes?
  • What happens if I forget an appointment?
  • Is What I tell you confidential?
  • What if I have an emergency?
  • How will I know when our work is finished?
  • What will I be charged for services?
  • Will my insurance company reimburse me?
    In response to your peers, provide feedback on the responses to the above questions. Please also identify additional questions that a client may have based on your peer’s responses.

Unit 4 DB discussion.docx

Addressing Case Study Discussion Questions
Part 1 For this Discussion, there are two case studies to assist you with real-life examples of improving reading and math skills. Read the case study on Sharon Smart. After reviewing the study, discuss with your classmates how Sharon's instructors can address the following: What are the characteristics of good versus poor readers? What does this suggest about the skills that Sharon will need to learn in order to be successful? If you were Sharon's teacher, discuss strategies you might use to teach specific reading skills. What demands must both Sharon and you meet in order for these to be successful? Examine the graphic organizers presented in the text. How might these be incorporated into Sharon's classroom?

Part2 Writing Assignment: Reading Strategy Instructional Plan Purpose: Reading is the foundation of all other academic skills and can often determine whether a student is successful in school. The skills associated with reading include phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and interpretation. Students with learning disabilities often struggle with reading and have deficits resulting in dyslexia. For that reason, teachers working with these students need to have a good understanding of reading strategies that are applicable to this student population. Directions: For the Unit 2 Assignment, you will create a Reading Plan to be used with learning disabled students. Review several reading strategies appropriate for learning disabled students and select one to apply to a specific grade level. Use the Reading Plan Template to complete this assignment. Include the following in the Reading Plan Template: The definition of dyslexia and characteristics of this learning disability. The strategy you have selected and why. Include how it addresses a need of students with learning disabilities. The process for teaching this strategy to the student. Outline your lesson with Language Objectives and Vocabulary within the lesson. What instructional plan will you use for this lesson? List your instructional strategies, learning tasks, literacy skills, and strategies. Discuss how you will measure the successful implementation of this strategy. What is the timeline for this lesson?
Part3 The prior case study focused on reading skills; in this case study, you will examine how to improve math skills. Read the Unit 2 essay by Melissa, a young woman who has struggled with dyscalculia. After you read the essay, discuss how you would address these issues with Melissa if she had been your student when she was at the grade level(s) you teach or plan to teach. What guidelines would you have followed in developing appropriate mathematics curriculum for students like Melissa? What formal and informal assessment strategies might you have used to determine the math skills of a student like Melissa? Describe some of the affective and motivational deficits students like Melissa will most likely face. What strategies might you use for overcoming these deficits? Compare and contrast the math strategies you have read about. Why might these be effective methods for teaching students like Melissa at your grade level? You have focused on math strategies in this discussion, explain if or how you would use these strategies for science and social studies. What changes would you need to make within your strategies for these two subjects?
You can place an order using the link in case you need help with this discussion assignment.

Graded Discussion: DeMorgan's Laws

A minimum of two posts is required. 
You must give a detailed solution for each part in your first post to get full credit.   It is not enough to just give the final answer.  You must show steps or explain your reasoning.  If it is easier, you can write your solution out on paper, take a picture, and upload it to the discussion as a pdf file.  The pdf file type is the only file type that will be accepted.  
You will be able to see other students' posts once you post your own solution.  Review their responses to determine if they agree with your own. 
For your second post, reply to your own post.  Don't worry!  You will not lose points for an incorrect answer in your first post as long as you post a reply with the correct answer in your second post.  
Complete required posts by the posted deadline.

Part 1: Prepare

In both the Set Theory Module (A.3-7 DeMorgan's Laws for Sets) and the Logic Module (B.2-6 DeMorgan's Laws for Logic), DeMorgan's Laws are discussed. Reread each lesson.
Part 2: First Post
Title your post: Student's DeMorgan's Laws Post

Answer each question:
deMorgan's law for logic and sets.JPG

  1. [2 pts] State both of DeMorgan's Laws for Sets. Are the results of item 1 consistent with DeMorgan's Laws for Sets? Explain.
  2. [2 pts] State both of DeMorgan's Laws for Logic. Explain, in your own words, how these laws correspond to DeMorgan's Laws for Sets.
    Part 3: Second Post

After you have posted, you will be able to see other student's posts. You may respond to your classmates and/or ask them questions (optional). Review the posts of your classmates, then post a reply to your own post stating whether or not you would like to add, change, or clarify anything in your original post. [2 pts]

Choose a country to research

• This country should not be your home country. Ask your teacher to approve the country of your choice in order to avoid overlap between different students.
• Get into the habit of following the economic news about the economy you are researching using different news sources.
• You are advised to show trends in macro performance over the last decade. Use data, tables and graphs, and/or create your own graphs and tables to present the research.

Use the following details to help structure your essay.

Task 1 - GDP and economic growth (20 marks)
• Research and comment on the GDP / GDP per capita of the chosen economy
• Explain the main reasons for the economic growth/decline over the last decade
• Describe the business/economic cycle in the context of the chosen economy

Task 2 - Unemployment (20 marks)
• Research and comment on the levels of unemployment in the economy researched
• Analyse how the Government can effectively reduce unemployment in the economy (either analyse the current policies used and/or make suggestions of policies that may be used)

Task 3 - Inflation and balance of payments (20 marks)
• Research and comment on the inflation levels and balance of payments of the economy
• Explain the impacts of inflation and the balance of payments the economic agents

Task 4 - Economic Policy (20 marks)
• Discuss the use/effectiveness of economic policy (demand or supply side policy) to impact the economic cycle (either analyse the current policies used and/or make suggestions of policies than may be used)

Task 5 - Presentation and Referencing (20 marks)
• Check your work for spelling and grammar
• Present you work in an acceptable format
• Use Harvard referencing

Extra Details about your assignment:
• You will need to provide a bibliography of at least 6 references in your essay. You will need to use Harvard referencing.

• Your report needs to show:
o Proof that you have researched and analysed information.
o Critical thinking and analysis.
o Economic theory.
o A high quality of written English and a logical flow to your essay.

Extra Guidance for your Research:
You may use the following databases to find data:
• Trading Economics
• World Bank DataBank
• United Nations Database
• International Labour Organisation (ILO) Statistics and Database
• Other sources advised by your tutor

You must not reference any user-generated sources of information such as Wikipedia or forums. You
could read these to get a general overview for your own understanding, but they should not be used in your references as they are not always reliable sources of information. If you are unsure of what is expected of you, please speak to your tutor.

Find an attached file for further instructions.

macroeconomics essay on Bolivia.docx