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Module 8: Discussion 8 - Social Media and Business Crises
Post a minimum 250-word response to the following questions. Be sure to use in-text citations and a reference list to support your response.

Read the Case Study Was the Firing of Curt Schilling for His Social Media Post Fair? (p. 543 of the textbook)

How should ESPN have resolved this situation? Why? What was the impact of the way it was handled? What are the “lessons learned” from this incident?

When you reply to your classmates' posts, be sure to focus on the arguments that are given. Do you agree or disagree, and why? Are there good reasons? Could the examples be clearer? Can you add your own example? Do you have a counter example?

You must first post your answer(s) before you can see the other students’ posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the module.

Business Strategy – Spring 2024
Syntheses 2 Guidelines
For this syntheses, you will be performing an in-depth analysis of a company of your choosing (Chosen from Syntheses 1). You can choose any company as long as there is enough information including managerial decisions, financial status, human resources practices, resources, and strategies. Syntheses should cover terms from Chapters 4-8. The report must be double space, Times New Roman 12 font. Graphs and figures can be included as long as they cover less than 2 pages. Cover, Abstract and work cited page in APA will not be counted toward the minimum number of words. Cite any support that you use for the research. Sources need to be from legit sources: academic journals, company website, legit news sources, etc. The paper should be a minimum of 1000 words. Research due date will be March 24th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
These are some of the issues and questions that need to be responded in the report:
• What are some HR strategies the company implement.
• What is the market segmentation
• Has the company participated in an acquisition or merger.
• Has the company implemented strategies to deter entry.
• Any strategies to manage rivalry.
• Has the company implemented a strategy to deal with a decline.
• Any technology implemented by the companies.
• What is the national competitive advantage of the company.
• Is the company a multinational company? In which countries do they operate.
• Have they modified its strategies in other countries?
• What is the global strategy implemented.
• Do they offer product bundling.
• Does the company have strategic alliances.
• Does the company implement diversification.
• If the company implements diversification, is it related or unrelated.

Business Strategy – Spring 2024
Syntheses 1 Guidelines
For this syntheses, you will be performing an in-depth analysis of a company of your choosing. You can choose any company as long as there is enough information including managerial decisions, financial status, human resources practices, resources, and strategies. Syntheses should cover terms from Chapters 1-4. The report must be double space, Times New Roman 12 font. Graphs and figures can be included as long as they cover less than 2 pages. Cover, Abstract and work cited page in APA will not be counted toward the minimum number of words. Cite any support that you use for the research. Sources need to be from legit sources: academic journals, company website, legit news sources, etc. The paper should be a minimum of 1000 words. Research due date will be February 25th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
These are some of the issues and questions that need to be responded in the report:
• History of the company.
• Who are the primary figures of the company.
• What are the major products or services the company offers.
• What is the competitive advantage.
• What is the mission statement of the company.
• Analyze the SWOT analysis.
• Analyze Porter’s Competitive Forces Model.
• Does the company have any rare resources.
• What are the main primary activities of the company.
• What are the main support activities of the company.
• What is the main marketing strategy.

Post a minimum 250-word response to the following questions. Be sure to use in-text citations and a reference list to support your response.

Perform research on virtual teams vs. traditional face-to-face teams.

How does the “storming and norming” process differ between the two? What are some strategies that can be used to make the process easier in each environment? Reflect on your own experience working with teams and discuss what helped and hurt your efforts to work together.

When you reply to your classmates' posts, be sure to focus on the arguments that are given. Do you agree or disagree, and why? Are there good reasons? Could the examples be clearer? Can you add your own example? Do you have a counter example?

You must first post your answer(s) before you can see the other students’ posts. Submit your initial post(s) early in the module.

BSM 305: Principles of Managing Organizations
Module 7: Final Project Prompt (CO1-CO7)
Final Submission
Review the attached list of organizations (also available in the Handouts area of MyCC) and select one
organization from the list.
Compile all the assignments and discussions that were a contributing piece of your final project (listed
below). These assignments or discussions were in modules 3, 4, 5, and 6. Write an introduction and
summation and modify the assignment pieces, so that it becomes one cohesive research paper. You may
need to add linking paragraphs or between sections. Use section headings to reflect the contents.
Consult APA 6th edition for section headings. REMINDER: Throughout the research paper, you should
consider yourself an outside consultant who has been hired to review each aspect of the selected
organization and make recommendations for improvement.
• Introduction (mission and vision from module 3) (provide overview, key points, financial
information, if applicable)
• 3 Biggest Challenges (module 3)
• Organizational Management (from Module 3)
• Organizational Structure (from Module 4)
• Employment and Hiring Practices (from Module 5 discussion board)
• Key Issues (From Module 5)
• Diverse Workforce (from Module 6 discussion board)
• Summary (provide a 1 to 2 paragraph summation)
Your research paper should be between 5-7 papers should be formatted per APA 6th edition rules.
Be sure to integrate in-text citations and a reference list into your submission. Cite scholarly sources, in
addition to primary materials, the textbook, and any assigned readings.
See Undergraduate Guidelines and Rubrics for Research Paper
Complete the assignment and upload your responses to the file upload area of this assignment.
Submit the word document by no later than Sunday (11:59 p.m. EST).