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Questions to consider in this module's discussion forum post:

  1. How can the consumption of other cultures be simultaneously harmless (or even beneficial) AND exploitative?
  2. How might it be 'ok' to love the other?
  3. Is the type of cutural appropriation we've been covering the last few weeks avoidable when we do not have a homogenized (ie, all the same society?

Feel free to incorporate the texts from module 9 as well, as this module is a continuation of similar themes. And don't forget, because there is not lecture you are responsible for one orignial discussion post and two peer response posts.

Picking up the Pieces Essay

Using the ideas evidence provided in the 2 Lowe readings listed below: In no less than 600 words, discuss the challenges that Europe confronted in the immediate post-WWII era. Touch on the scale of destruction, social dislocation, and emerging political divisions. Anchor your response in the assigned reading by providing concrete details and page numbers to support your analysis. Use the following two chapters from the Lowe's Savage Continent: "Physical Destruction" and "Absence."

Read Chapter 9 and watch the Movie entitled "My Family"

Answer the following questions:
What are some examples of institutional racism in this movie? How do these examples impact the Sanchez family? What makes it difficult for the Sanchez family to assimilate into American Anglo culture? Why do some of the children resist assimilating? What is the experience like for those who do assimilate? What is your cultural heritage? Have you or any of your family members faced racial discrimination in the United States?

Original Post: Post 1 original written response (400-450 words) in a paragraph format to the above questions. The original written response must include two separate ASA citations from the textbook with the page numbers.

Example of an ASA citation with a page number: According to Parillo (2006), racial profiling is any policy initiated action based on race (49).

Option 3: Conduct a contemporary Issue Analysis

This option requires you to apply the knowledge on issues pertaining to immigration and the immigrant experience you’ve gained over the course of the semester to a contemporary issue/current event of your choice.
First, you will need to select a contemporary issue that deals with issues surrounding immigration or the immigrant experience.
Once you have made your choice, you will need to locate a news article aimed at the public that deals with this topic – whether this article appears in a national or local publication does not matter, it just cannot come from an academic journal or government/non-profit. I recommend picking the source that will given you the most material with which to work! Keep in mind; you are only considering the way this single news article frames that issue, so you are not required to do any additional research on the topic.

Tasks to complete in Your Essay:

After picking your news source, you will need to write a minimum of 5+ page (double-spaced) paper that critically interprets and analyzes this news source.

What viewpoint does the article represent?
Who is if targeting?
What preconceived ideas are embedded in the article?
Why have the events of the article taken place?

Please note – You will want to provide a brief description of your contemporary issue before beginning you interpretation and analysis, but this description should be no more that a paragraph, as details from an about your news source will be included throughout you essay as evidence for your argument. In other words, do not merely summarize the contents but present your own unique and informed analysis of the issues involved. You will use the course materials to inform you analysis of your news source and, while there is no set number of terms or articles I expect you to support you argument (nor do you have to directly quote courses texts if you do not wish to do so), I should see evidence of this throughout your paper.
You will need to conclude your paper with a consideration of ow you believe your news source contributes to the larger discourse surrounding the contemporary issue and, accordingly, what type of political work it does out in the larger culture.